身体的痛苦是由테이 쟈가执导,호조 마키 카와카미 유우主演的一部理论片。主要讲述了:郁夫因丈夫的新婚梦而湿透了,一结婚就得到了赎回权。 丈夫不见生死就消失了,她被卖给了一家工厂。 有活着的女人把自己的身体卖给男人。 该地的所有者兼总裁马基(Maki)担心Yu看起来像只熊。 我敢肯定,
It is so beautiful. The visual treatment, animation, character arc -- the whole package! The song would have been cheesy just by itself but when it is coupled with the pure joy of a small child, it becomes incredibly moving. I have watched this film three times and I managed to be impressed by the small details and big emotional reliefs each time.